
April 13, 2009


This "morning" (haha) has special meaning for me – because yes!!! those are my bracelets featured in Country Living Magazine!  A happy month for me.  A special thank you to Rebecca for searching and finding little ol' me on Etsy and also encouragement to others out there – you really never know who might be looking at your shop…

I have spruced up quite a bit around the shop just for this.  My banner has a new look, I have lots of new categories (for different sizes!! hooray!) and new fabrics from which to choose…

This has been a fun couple of months and I am very blessed…even just to see my bracelets (I can't help but flip through the mag when I'm standing in line at Wal-Mart even though I own five copies of it)….I just had to share it with my checkout lady at Barnes and Noble….she was so sweet and congratulatory.

Happy Monday!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heidi says:

    How great is that.Your own handwork in a magazine.
    I am happy for you,you are making beautiful things.
    (Maybe my englisch is not so good,sorry for that.)



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