Windy days are afoot here in the Panhandle. Wind, dirt and more wind and dirt. The evening of this shoot was one of the windiest sessions I've experienced….we had originally planned on meeting in a more open location but we quickly changed ideas and I am loving the results. This precious family came all smiles and laughter and ready to play and have fun. These little ones have the prettiest eyes ever and are so uninhibited. I love getting the kids away for a few stolen moments and we giggle and talk and I get a peek inside their little minds and hearts. That is always, ALWAYS when I get those shots that make my heart go pitter-pat and put a smile on my face.
Photographing kids isn't so much about technicalities as it is about patience. We play first, me getting to know them but more importantly, them getting to know me. Once they realize I am not there to make them say "cheese" (in fact, please don't!!) or to make them sit in uncomfortable positions with their hands nicely folded, they are much more open and unguarded. If they get bored, we play some more until they are ready again. The hardest part of my job is convincing people they really *don't* have to pose as poses naturally happen and I am there to compose the shot, not them.
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
Oh my goodness I LOVE these! I started crying as I saw each one. You are a fabulous photographer, amazing photographer, and a fabulous amazing person! Thank you so much for doing this for us. I think we are sold on you regardless of what future session may cost us!!!