
August 23, 2012

I’m sitting at my desk in my pajamas, surrounded by boxes.  The clouds are making it dark and cozy inside and I’m on my third cup of coffee (half-caff….)  The kids are still in their pj’s too…revolting against the idea that come Monday we’ll all be up early, new backpacks in hand and ready for a new school year.  I always have good intentions of setting my alarm and getting myself and everyone up weeks early, so it’s not such a cold splash of water when that first day gets here.  However I can’t ever seem to bring myself to do it.  Actually, I tend to go in the opposite direction the week before.  YES! Let’s stay up til Midnight and eat ice-cream and watch movies!  YES! Let’s sleep as late as we can and watch cartoons and relax.  YES! Let’s wait until the last minute to get school supplies and clothes.  YES! Let’s linger….

I’ve learned to give myself a break.

We’ve also been playing:

Vacationing (to Boston, Ma):

and the biggest news?  We’re MOVING! (only to a new house, not out of Amarillo) Lots of packing going on:

And somewhere amidst all of this, I auditioned and was cast in Amarillo Little Theatre‘s production of Les Miserables.   So while we’ve been playing, vacationing, packing, and rehearsing, the summer has folded and come to a close.  It’s time for new schools, a new neighborhood, a show to open, football games to start, homework, church activities, UNpacking, and playing, and relaxing and living.

So very blessed…

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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