
April 29, 2008

Dsc_00321751 Yep.  I’ve been on one.  A long one.  But now….I’m back!  🙂

I posted this picture because no kidding I haven’t taken any meaningful "look at what we’ve been up to pictures" at all.  Sad yes.  But refreshing?  Definitely.  Not being "forced" into creativity has really expanded me creatively.  I’ve been so inspired lately!!  And that’s definitely a good thing.  Anyway, back to the pic…(Begin Commercial) I have got to get rid of some cute cuteness and wonderful wonderfulness that is filling up every nook and cranny of my office, work area (and brain.)  So…This and That Bags are making an appearance over at Annie and OliveDsc_00411757 Felt pins galore, polymer clay transfer beads, metal doolies, stickers, ribbons, felt beads, and other fun goodness that is cluttering up my space.  Want one?  Get it here.  I’ll be posting a ton of these over the next few weeks (along with some other pretties) so keep checking to get YOUR This and That Bag.  (End Commercial)

Dsc_00021716 Annie is ONE.  One I tell you.  Caaraazaay!  I can’t believe it.  I can’t believe it’ll be MAY the day after tomorrow…didn’t I just go Christmas shopping?  Oh wait…did I miss February?  Huh?  What’s going on!?  Colin has lost six teeth in the past four months?  He’s almost a second grader?  Wait!  Dsc_00651214 Benjamin will be FOUR in June?  In one month?  No way!!  I just had a party…I have to get him something he’ll love…what does a four year old boy love?  (Trains, his brother, Word World, peanut butter sandwiches "with honey on it", writing the letter "B", getting Gillian up from her nap (urgh), yogurt, The Sweet Smell of Christmas book)…..

Notice anything?  Hear anything?  My rockin’ playlist.  I must give thanks for XM Radio and its ability to introduce me to new music.  I am lovin’ Vampire Weekend (I could listen to this album non-stop over and over) Paolo Nutini (always loved the name Paolo), Arcade Fire (though they’ve been on my radar for awhile), the new Jack just came out a couple of months ago. 

Aaah for new music and open eyes and birthdays and Spring and lost teeth and peanut butter handprints and runny noses and little girls bouncing and pretty felt and going to the "garden store" and fresh earth and the robin’s nest outside our kitchen window and pretty packages and things in the mail and good coffee and good, long breaks. 🙂

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heather says:

    OMgoodness look at those baby blues!!! Hope you are doing well! 😉



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