Hooray! It’s Friday! :)

October 26, 2007

75dd_3 I’ve been away for awhile but today I’m back! 😉  Back to crafting on the web that is….check out my newest show at TVWeekly.com.  I’m teaching a cool papercasting project with some fun cookie molds that are *too beautiful.* 

Dsc_0095753 This project was one of my very favorites – such a fun technique that is very family-friendly and then making a page with so much history.  Here are some project close-ups so you can see.  The papercast Santa Claus was very cool….Benjamin especially loved helping me with this project and since there are no paints involved (just paper pulp) it was so easy to clean up!  He made a ton of mini little molds and then would just mush them back up and we’d blend them all over again.  He had a blast.

Dsc_0089751_2 Sweet Missa Prissa helped me with this project a lot and (insert disclaimer here)  *please note*….I do  know that these Baby Bumbo seats were just recalled and that you’re not supposed to use them on a high surface…well, of course this picture was taken well before all of that information and I’m so thankful she never fell!! Of course I was sitting right beside her.  It still is a handy little chair – love it for feeding time and when she’d like to look around at the world….from a soft padded low surface. (end of disclaimer)

Dsc_0106750 Anyway, in this picture you can see my project coming together!  I have other shots of the inside pages that I can post later – they’re big and it’s late and I need to get started with my day (haha by 11:00 am??!!)

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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