Falling in love… | Amarillo Photographer

July 11, 2005

eight years ago….

Of course I remember….

How could I forget?


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Jessica says:

    Awwww! Sweet picture.

  2. Carmen says:

    Love the shot!! 🙂 Who took it for you? What happened 8 years ago today??

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Ahhhhhh!!!! Great picture!

  4. leigh ann says:

    so sweet–today’s our 13th anniversary. AAAAH, love!

  5. Jules says:

    Best post ever…

  6. Leah says:

    OMG…so cute. *goofy grin*



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