Heart Handmade Holiday Zine

November 25, 2008

3058078524_ba723859d3 Marichelle from  Heart Handmade has written up a wonderful holiday zine that you can download right to you computer!  It is filled with fun information, holiday tips and tricks, gift ideas, recipes and more.  I was asked to contribute a small portion and you can read about me in Part II of the download. (there are three parts in PDF form).  Fun holiday reading! 

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Yep, I saw you there this morning. What a great holiday zine she created!

  2. Bethany Warner says:

    I just wanted to drop by & tell you a few things:
    1) My maiden name is Bethany Fields. While googling my former self (we’ve all done it), I stumbled upon this sight. I thought it was rather interesting.
    2) Your work is very cute, clever and crafty! I also dabble in the arts.
    3) I also noticed that you listed Sense & Sensibility as one of your “stand-by” movies. This is my FAVORITE movie and I could watch it again and again.
    All very coincidental!



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