Lil’ Darlin’ | Amarillo Child Photographer

June 5, 2012

This session still makes me smile. What a precious little girl with such a cute personality.  I LOVE photographing just kids being kids, in their rooms, with their toys, with freedom to be silly.  If there is one thing I’ve learned in my years as a photographer, it is that you absolutely cannot get the personality of a child without first entering into their world.  Getting on their level and being silly, funny, playful, and spontaneous.  Let them jump on the bed, roll around.  Let them be silly and do not try to pose them too much or it will look fake.  They will find a way into a photo that is both precious and real.  Here are just a few from sweet Miss B’s session:

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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