October | Amarillo Texas Photographer

November 11, 2010

It came and went.  October brought pumpkins and fun with Fall decor.  The kids love, love (did I say LOVE) Halloween decorations and I have to say they come by it honestly.  Big giant fake spider.  Metal spooky houses.  Watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" while carving our pumpkins was a highlight definitely.  With October came field trips to the pumpkin patch, lots and lots and lots of photo shoots for me (which means lots and lots and lots of time spent here on the computer), and a new haircut for the oldest.  We had Harry Potter, a ninja and the cutest little dressed up fancy kitty you've ever, ever seen…right down to her bow-bedecked white furry tail.  With it brought cooler weather and settling into routines and the crazy and sometimes scary thought of  Christmas being right around the corner.  October brought fundraisers and classes.  We had some time with family and some time spent with friends.

It was a great month.


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. LH says:

    it was a great month – agreed.



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