On a Friday…

March 23, 2007

Anticipation_2 And here is my latest – so, so, so simple.  No techniques other than adhering…haha!  But I felt like I needed to get something down and the ribbons from her curtains were calling to me!  🙂 

The little "hello" floral drawing is a mini-card that I’ve had pinned to my inspiration board.   The ultrasound picture isn’t really pink IRL (in real life) so not really sure why it turned out that way.

I really am anticipating this little baby.  I had a wonderful baby shower at R’s work yesterday and it was so much fun seeing all the pink!  Thank you to all those wonderful people.

Bc7a I made my official announcement over at CTVW today!  Some fun little projects using all Marvy Uchida products.  I especially love the envelope punch.  It really is fun to make all those teeny-tiny envelopes and so easy! Loved making these.

And yes, I’ll be taking a break from CTVW for awhile to stay home and be a mommy.  But I will definitely be back at CTVW before too long;  I love those guys and miss them already! It is such a great place. 

I’m actually already thinking of project ideas!! hee, hee! Just can’t stop!!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Chey-Anne Smart says:

    I’ve been meaning to email you for awhile now and tell you how much I enjoy your blog and craftweekly show. I ran across your myspace and found your sites. As a fellow scrapbooker, I love all your ideas. Hope everything is going well for you all. Let me tell you what a treat you are in for having a baby girl! Email me so I can talk to you longer. Chey-Anne



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