“project week”

May 17, 2005

Well, I started several new projects today without finishing the projects from yesterday.  Groan.  The good news is that I actually finished two of them!

  • Question:  How do you store your pictures "to be scrapped?"
  • My Answer:  Not very well!

Seriously, the method that I've used for years is to pull out all the pictures from the envies as soon as I get them back from the developer.  I write on a little "file" thing that goes in the photo box and file the pictures.  At the same time I'm doing this, I pull out all the pictures that I think have "potential."  (ha! that's a funny way to put it!)  I then put these pictures in a regular photo album that I can flip through whenever I'm feeling art-y.  That way, I don't have to shuffle through umpteen-bajillion photos (do you think I'm exaggerating a bit?)  to find the ones that I love.  I don't design layouts chronologically and my album contains pictures from 25 years ago (and more!).  This method has worked for me faithfully for about three years.  Then it went sour.  The problem that I encountered was that I still had pictures in the book that I pulled way back when I started scrapbooking.  I've either already done layouts on those events, used only a couple of the 10 photos I pulled for said event, or never used the photos at all.  I am NOT one to scrapbook every single picture or event in my life.  I used to think that is the way it was supposed to be – and so I had this gigantic album full of not-so-good photos that didn't inspire me…..they more like sucked the energy and inspiration out of me whenever I flipped through my album…

so what did she do about this? some may say….

Today I pulled all the old pictures that weren't "speaking" to me and re-filed them back in the old photo boxes.  I then had a lot of room to pull newer or more inspiring photos from my stash.  Voila!  Inspiration restored!  I know it's nothing really extraordinary but it felt good to finish that….

I also planted some new flowers, herbs and veggies in the garden! yea!!


What did you do today?

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Jules says:

    Ummmm wrote three pages, gesso-ed the next art journal entry, and watched Bo….yum. Good call on the photos B! Tedious for one day, but inspiring for those to come.
    Oh, and I ate three too many cookies.

  2. Danielle says:

    WOW! i’m so inspired Bethany! seriously! i’ve been contemplating these same issues today. My query: is it not a good idea to NOT print out all of one’s digital photos, just because they’re digital? Is it NOT a good idea to NOT have hardcopies?
    I know I’ve heard of people doing contact sheets.. which is great… But for those generations to come, are they really going to appreciate pint-size photos on contact sheets? I mean, I can’t scrap everything… I want my kids to be able to see EVERYTHING, not just the things i scrap. They’ll want to flip through photo albums, right? But the dilemna – it’s expensive printing ALL of your digital photos. Ugh. Any suggestions? It really scares me not having hard copies when your cds could mess up or your computer could bomb…. hmmm…
    I think you did *brilliantly* with your new method B. Cool! and kudos for even getting some planting done! Today I: went to work, had a date night with the hubby (ate at a hip joint called Figo!) and packaged up some pages to be mailed. A pretty good day. Yay for you and Jules being so productive! (and Jules, don’t worry, I ate a big PHAT Nutella crepe at dinner. Yuuuuum.)

  3. Danielle says:

    ok, that post was *entirely* too long.

  4. Carmen says:

    Lots of good advice here, Bethany. My photo organization isn’t even as far along as your “before” stage, sadly enough. As for what I did today — went for brunch with a group of women, put together a portfolio for a job I’m being interviewed for on Friday, watched “House M.D.” and spent far too much time on the computer. That’s about it.

  5. Leah says:

    Hey wow…that’s a really good day!
    Due to the flu, most of my day was spent in bed.



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