
June 6, 2007

This seems to be a popular post "theme" for me lately – being random and rambly…..my thoughts are scattered and split and going a million different directions….is this how it will be now that I have three children? 😉

Dsc_00469 First things first….Annie is almost SEVEN weeks old!  She is so fun and continues to amaze and delight us.  She is much more "wide-eyed" (as you can tell in picture at right) and aware of her surroundings.  Her kicks and "jabs" are more meaningful and with intention. Dsc_005410 She’s starting to be big enough for me to really "play" with and for longer periods of time.  We’ve enjoyed getting her out for Colin’s softball games and such.  She is adorable!!

Benjamin’s third birthday was this past Sunday – something else I can’t believe.  We had a small party with lots of ice-cream treats and snacks.  Benjamin Dsc_001950 has really been growing by leaps and bounds lately – both physically and socially/emotionally.  He’s speaking a lot (although he was a bit tired at his party and "tongue-tied") and really starting to say those funny things that all 2-3 year olds start saying.  I’m needing to write a lot of them down – I don’t want to forget!  We gave him this teeniny bicycle at the end of his party and he was off like a shot!  The only way I could get him to smile was to run backwards in front of him saying "oh no!  Benjamin’s going to geeeeeeeet meeeeeeeeee!!" over and over and over….it was fun.

Dsc_000420 Colin has been enjoying his first "real" summer (after school term) and has even made a little friend that lives across the alley from us.  This little boy pops his head over our fence and says "can I come play?" and of course Colin is all for that.  It’s fun seeing him bond with other kids and develop friendships…especially in this day and age when we’re more nervous to let kids roam the neighborhoods with their friends.  They’ve been playing a lot of baseball and swinging on the swings and on the monkey bars.  Good kid stuff.  Doesn’t he look older in this picture I took the other day?  I sent the boys outside with the batter bowl (I was making Benjamin’s cake) and looked out the window on this lovely little scene of them.  Couldn’t help but run and get the camera and I was delighted with this result….

I’ve been adding nBranch_2 ew items to my etsy shop all week.  I started a new shop with all photography items and am really hoping to get it off the ground!  It’s hard when there are so many well-known photographers on etsy already.  I have lots of beautiful and colorful and happy images to add so keep watching.  I’ve also added a new "line" to my jewelry shop at Creative Sparks Studio.  I’ve been wanting these lower-priced stamped dot pendants for awhile and am finally getting them added.  Aren’t they cute?  They are fun to make and I’ve been wearing mine for a week straight!  I love simple jewelry….with a hippie vibe.

So this week?  More picture taking…and softball games….and bike riding….and cake eating (although this time it’s baked) and jewelry making….

Until next time!


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Beautiful baby and beautiful pendant – love those!

  2. Leah says:

    Fun times at the Fields house! I think all three of the kiddos look older in these pics. 🙂



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