So much stuff….

February 6, 2007

Man.  I have so many crafting supplies.  I mean a lot.  Really been trying to weed through all of it and figure out some way to sell, donate or give it a way.  Have tried selling on eBay before but it’s always so time consuming and scrapbooking supplies (at least in my experience) don’t sell and for usually very little money.

So…I’m proposing to make some goodie bags and boxes and send them to you for the cost of shipping and handling.  I have papers and stickers and rubons and stamps and embellies etc. etc. etc.  I wouldn’t be able to tell you what you were getting but rest assured it would be at least $20.00 retail value.  If you’re interested, please send $10.00 to my paypal account at (my maiden name).  I’ll post again when it’s all gone….(hopefully sometime in the next YEAR….lol!

P.S.  I forgot!  Am having a Valentine’s Month Sale at my shop over at etsy.  14% off everything in the store….


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Cool necklace! And cool idea for the goodies. 🙂

  2. danielle says:

    hi B! 🙂 love your stuff in your etsy store! i haven’t been there in a while.. i always love your jewelry.. just gorgeous. I’m blogging again!
    did you find out the sex? 🙂

  3. Leah says:

    You are *so* nesting, girlfriend. 🙂 🙂

  4. Oh my goodness! You’re a scrapper too? Very cool! Oh, the SSG who purchased the pendant in your Etsy shop a couple of days ago was my hubby. 🙂 I’m stoked. Can’t wait to have a piece of your art hanging around my neck. Anyway, love your blog! Regards, Delaney P.S. My Divine Papers promos are on their way to you!

  5. iralamija says:

    wow! This is beautiful!



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