There | Amarillo Couples Photographer

March 16, 2010

So after driving and driving (and driving even more the second day) we were there!  Warm air.  Almost in-bud trees.  No wind. (hooray!)  We walked and talked.  We took in the weirdness that Austin loves to have and be.  We ate pizza and marveled at the old oaks on the UT campus.  We talked about how we love Texas Tech and not UT.  (sorry, Longhorns)  We heard David warming up just outside the auditorium and got excited.  We decided NOT to take the camera into the concert (bummer) but it was a good thing after all.  After picking up our tickets, we spent too much money on t-shirts and beverages and then sat in lovely wooden chairs in a pretty and old auditorium full of funky people who all loved music.  The concert started with a band I hadn't heard of – Phosphorescent – I told R the lead singer had a Willie vibe and then ta-da!  they mentioned their new record is a tribute to Willie himself.  I can call it.  Then a break and set change and then David.  Incredible.  Song playing after song playing with no breaks…not even the cute English accent jabbering between songs.  Just another song and then another one.  He played forever and I danced in my chair and waved my arms and clapped and it was a blast.  The picture-nazi-usher walked around and stood in front of people *the entire time* whenever she saw the glow of a camera phone – she probably would have had a heart attack had I brought in my giant Nikon.  *sigh*  


Being with the one you love…walking with the one you love.  Eating pizza with the one you love and then hearing music you love (with the one you love) is pretty darn fun.

Conclusion tomorrow.


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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