
June 7, 2006

Two!  Two?  Where did the time go? 

After my trip to sunny CA to the CTVW Studios, I returned home to a house full of boys, missing their Mommy.  I sure am glad to be back and doing "normal" things for the time being.  Soccer games and practice, riding bikes and pulling wagons and playing in kiddie pools and clipping flowers and eating popsicles and taking pictures and cleaning the house and doing the laundry and reading magazines and flipping through catalogs and grilling outdoors and spraying on bug spray and lathering on sunscreen and running errands and going to birthday parties…..

This, of course, is a small glimpse of my "real" job, the one I do constantly but sometimes forget to cherish.

This is the job that is constant and the one I truly love…

Here he is – the Big B on his Birthday!


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    I cannot believe that he turned two! I can remember when he was born. It is so hard some days to cherish all those moments. Thank you for the reminder! -E

  2. Diane White says:

    I love going on to your website. You are such an energetic person. I get tired just listening to all that you do.Ha. Benjamin and Colin are so cute. I loved their pictures.
    Diane White



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