
September 8, 2008

357686 I've been recovering from a nasty stomach bug/virus/food poisoning issue these past few days and have come to this conclusion:  Zesta Saltine Crackers by Keebler are the best cracker on the market.  I am, admittedly, not a cracker connoisseur (although I did know how to spell that word without having to look it up at Webster.com) but after many, many crackers these past few days, I am  conviced it is the best out there.  Now, in the past, I have bought saltine crackers not for their crispy-crunchiness, nor for the perfect dash of salt (not too much, not too little) but merely for the fact that they were cheap.  My sweet husband went to the store for me yesterday (while I was hiding under the covers in pajamas I had worn for too long) and behold…the Zesta came home.   Incidentally,  have you been to the Keebler website?  It's pretty fun – and I learned a bit about those cutie Keebler elves.   For when I'm feeling better?  I really like the Danish Wedding Cookies and the EL Fudge Cookies….yum..oh and who can forget the Fudge Striped Cookies….hmmm…maybe I am felling better…. 🙂

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heidi says:

    If you wanna eat al that,i think your better.

  2. Stacy C. says:

    I TOTALLY agree!!! Zesta’s are the best… I have trouble finding them though…



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