A Day at the Park | Amarillo Family & Child Photographer

August 27, 2009

On the very last day of summer we spent the day at the park.  Kites were flown.  Swings were swung. Blankets were napped upon. Dandelions were picked.  .  Soccer balls were kicked.  It was a perfectly non-windy windy day here and the kite flew easily – only once trying to escape when Gillian was the designated kite holder.  She looked at me like "wah?" and promptly let go of the string. 


Note from me:  You might wonder what's up with my post title as I normally don't label myself anything (except a lover of sleep and cheesy pizza)….Well since I have a new website coming (soon!!! soon!!!) then I must start doing business-y things like trying to make my name more "googleable."  Do you like that word?  It's fun to say.  Try it.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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