This week has flown by and I can't believe it's Friday. Everyone in my house is asleep and it's making me want to join them in dreamland. All I can hear is the hummmmm of the refrigerator and the heater starting up every now and then…that and the click, click, click of my fingers on the keyboard. Oh and the train. I love the sound of a train.
I thought it would be fun to share some of the photos that I've taken recently that *didn't* make it to the blog. I take a bunch you see and invariably, some get left behind. Usually one will speak to me more than others and fits my mood for the day. Sometimes I run out of time to edit, i.e*., like when one of the kids hurtles something across the room and I have to go and cry silently in my bedroom …. j/k 🙂 haha
But for whatever reason, these photos haven't been shared. And now they've been shared.
If you're wondering what that stick of a plant is behind Miss Chuga – it's a Plumeria. Russell bought it for me one Christmas and it was shipped like this to me! haha. Right now it's dormant (thus the stickiish look) but does leaf out in the warmer months. I didn't get it to bloom last year but have great hopes. They are my favorite flowers…..tucked one behind my ear everyday the times we've been to Hawaii (aka Paradise here on Earth).
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..