Welcome to the new me…

May 3, 2016

🙂  Not really.  I’m still the old me, too.  I’ve been working hard these last few weeks updating and rearranging and adding new content here at my blog address.  I get a lot of emails asking me if I’m still doing photography, if I’m painting exclusively now, if I can design them a logo or do something else graphic design-y.  I AM still photographing sessions when the shoe fits (i.e. right time, certain photo sessions only, etc.) and I realized it was hard for people to find my photo work when I had taken it down at my fine art portfolio site at bethanyfields.com.  I am going to be offering a few sessions a month for mostly kids, graduates, and small family groups as well as corporate and commercial photography and design.  Basically, YES, I still do it all…all you have to do is ask!  This blog site isn’t fully developed yet…still lots of portfolio images to add and I’m also working on developing a shopping cart for the occasional fine art limited print I’ll be offering to the public.  I’m excited!  I hope you like this and the new look and vibe.  It’s been fun (and frustrating, admittedly) to set it up but I’m hoping it will serve my clients across the board and across genres.



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I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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