What is *up?*

February 23, 2009

Il_430xN_56500335 Well, I changed ye ol' blog settings. If you link to my blog on your site, can you pretty pretty please update the link?  I took out the "Creative Sparks" to make it less confusing…now I'm just the "Bethany Fields."  Notice I didn't say "plain….or "old."  :)  So in other words and in plainer English bethanyfields.typepad.com/CreativeSparks no longer works.  It's this instead:  bethanyfields.typepad.com/BethanyFields .   As this effectively "breaks" any link to mine all over the web, it wasn't an easy decision….but I closed my Creative Sparks shop over at Etsy in order to pursue all thingsAnnie and Olive and also to focus on my new-found obsession (obsession=Pastel Painting).  I have had several people ask about purchasing my originals and maybe some prints and so I am exploring that.  I'll let you know when they're available!  There are *so many* exciting and amazing things happening in my little world lately….I can't wait to share them all with you.

Now, off to eat my Moroccan Chicken Cous-Cous.  Super-yum.  I may even delve into the "foodie blog" category tomorrow and share the recipe.

Happy Monday!

Oh, and in keeping with the theme….this print by the talented John W. Golden is available here.  I just love, love these. (lookie, lookie!)

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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