
April 10, 2006

Long time. No post.

I can’t believe it has been so long since my last post!  Nothing too exciting going on….and no I didn’t win the lottery and wisk (whisk??) away to Hawaii to relax away the rest of my life…(oh how I wish)

Things have just been busy.  Good and busy.  Working.  Playing.  Creating and making stuff.

I had a wonderful time at the scrapbook stores in Dallas.  They are gigantic and everyone was very gracious and nice.  I am excited to get to do that kind of thing more often…..if you are interested in having me come and teach please email me!  My crafttvweekly gig is going well…probably back to Burbank for some more shooting sometime around Memorial Day!  Eek!  Already planning and dreaming and thinking about what I’ll create.  What to do?  What would you like to see?  What would you like to learn? 

AND, went to Indiana to visit some friends.  Met some new friends.  Reconnected with old friends.  Good times….but busy.


Pictures to come soon!!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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