Tyler Lake – Texas Pastel Artist

August 26, 2015

Tyler Lake

Tyler Lake – 8×8 on Uart

Pastel Society of the Southwest, National Juried Show (forthcoming)


The last several weeks have been busy with back-to-school, end-of-summer activities.  It’s a strange time.  One one hand you are soaking in the lazy days, reveling in the moments of freedom from schedules and lists.  The other hand is full of lists!  Scheduling and shopping to be done, meeting the teachers, and making sure everything is set.  Now that the first day has come and gone, I’m finding a new normal.  It’s always sad for me, I love my children being at home with their stinky dirty summer feet, good-natured squabbling, and presence.  Coming home to a quiet house is both lovely and a little heartbreaking.  I’ll adjust but for at least the last few days, I’ve felt a little incomplete.  I’m so thankful that I have a wonderful job that also happens to be my favorite hobby.  It keeps me grounded and feeling “light” even when there is a little heaviness to my heart.

I was thrilled last week to find out that three of my pastel paintings were juried into two separate national art shows!  I blogged this one just a few weeks ago.  It has been accepted into the Pastel Society of the Southwest’s National Juried Show taking place in Grapevine, Texas in October!  Wow!

The above painting, Tyler Lake, is another that has been accepted.  This one, along with another (subscribe to my newsletter to see it! ———–>) will be featured in the National Society of Artist’s 31st National Juried Show taking place just South of Houston.

I’m very honored and excited to have these paintings featured.  It takes the sting out of the first-week-of-school for sure.






I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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