9 months

January 19, 2008

Dsc_01101566 and cuter than ever.  Army crawling everywhere. Smiling and laughing and happy.  A bit (!!) impatient.  Loves to watch her brothers and is VERY curious.  Enjoys eating peas and cheerios and the occasional ‘nilla wafer.  Fluffy blonde hair that needs a trim. Pink cheeks.  Denim-blue eyes.  Dark eyelashes and sweet little tiny ears.  Dsc_01371570_2 Cute toes and pudgy thighs.  Right now with a runny nose and one bottom tooth (and the other soon to follow!)  Has a great Dsc_00911635_2 pincer grasp (not so good because of  the little leaves and tiny rocks and specks of fuzz that she seems to discover all the time – can we collectively look around the room please for anything that Gillian might pick up?)  The most gentle baby I’ve ever seen.  Dsc_01111567 She has the softest touch – she just gently caresses whatever she reaches out for…my face while I’m feeding her…or daddy’s hand or one of her toys.  So precious.

She’s in the next room, crawling around and gnawing on chewey toys….with barely-there teeth and a grin all for me.  So…bye for now!! 🙂


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Gillian says:

    Gorgeous photos!! And I just LOVE her name! I don’t know too many people with the same name as me, so I hope she likes it 😉 hehe

  2. Leah says:

    9 months?! 9 months! Happy 9 months, darling girl… 🙂



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