A is for Archuleta | Amarillo Family Photographer

March 21, 2011

We prayed for no wind.  They brought me a Starbucks.  (They had me at Hello). This sweet and beautiful family stole my heart long before this day.  Getting to know one another through life groups at church, through worship together at church, through retreats and talks in the hallway at preschool drop off.  I wanted something different for them as they are most certainly a family seeking to make a difference.  We started out in downtown:


Those two sweet baby boys – completely precious and precocious.  I always get my exercise with the little ones.  And perfect my funny sounds and jokes.  Sometimes they laugh and sometimes I get the just the look.  These are the photos I love.


This little one grins with his entire body.  

Arch1The wind through the alley caught her hair perfectly and her smile was genuine and delighted.  Could she be any more stunning?


For Dad we must get cool album cover shots, right?  And little R has to be in them too.


To be around people that share something so deep is truly humbling…and for them to open up and be in the moment is even better.


Wiggly boys need a change of location.  To the park!  To the park!!


Guitars and blankets, roly-poly babies and boys, oh my!


A certain little baby someone is getting tired…


And a certain someone is having so much fun…


P.S.  If you couldn't already tell, I <heart> the Archuletas!!!

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Mary Beth Koehn says:

    Beautiful pictures. What a lovely family and a great photographer to catch all those precious moments.

  2. Cheryl Trenfield says:

    These are awesome. I’ve known Amy all of her life and I am so proud of her and her beautiful family. Just the special kind of photographs our family would want to have.

  3. Brandi Cowan says:

    i love the pics…and I love the Archuleta’s!!!! You captured their true beauty!!

  4. Heather Howard says:

    You captured the essence of who they really are on film. I loved seeing my sister and her boys through your eyes. What a gift!!!



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