Almost One. | Amarillo Texas Child Photographer

June 1, 2005

100_4436 We had Benjamin's first birthday party this past weekend.  We had so much fun with friends and family – and of course with this little dude.

Do you think he liked his cake?


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. jules says:

    Ahhhh, such a handsome sort, even with cake all over 🙂

  2. Leah says:

    *tee hee* 🙂 I’d say he enjoyed himself…

  3. Elizabeth says:

    AH! What a little cutie! It’sso hard to believe he’s one! It doesn’t seem right!

  4. Heather says:

    He is too cute!!!! 😉

  5. Danielle says:

    OMG! TOO CUTE!!!!



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