20 points to you if you know what musical this entries title is from……
I’ve been having so much fun lately with beads…I’m enjoying a break from my more "regular" hobbies and this one is so irresistable with tons of beautiful beads, sparkly gems, crystals and pearls. I’m in love.
I ordered some new things today too – excited to get those things in and then I’ll show you a few things – I hope you like! 🙂
P.S. Please watch this very thought-provoking video….Raising Small Souls…these things have been on my heart pretty much constantly since sending Colin to Kindergarten. Thank you Zodie, for sending this to me! 🙂
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
Great video! Bookmarking it for Thomas to see later…thanks. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you do with the pretty baubles!
Love this, B. Great reminder. Can’t wait to meet the next creation with your pretties 🙂
Thanks for pointing us to the video! -E
good site 🙂 Whish you good luck!