Beautiful Day… | Amarillo Texas Photographer

July 28, 2005

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  It reminds me of the U2 song by the same name….which, if you listen closely, is now playing! Russell and I had an amazing time at a U2 concert several years ago – and this song, in concert, live and LOUD is AWESOME!!!  I love the part of this song that says

It's a Beautiful Day, Don't Let it Get Away

Isn't that true?

It was wonderfully cool which is odd for this time of year in the Texas Panhandle.  We've been having 90+ degree weather for awhile.  So…yesterday the high was in the mid 70's which is absolute heaven if you ask me.

We played outside a lot.  The boys played in the grass and on the playset and Benjamin crawled around in the grass and tried to eat lots of sticks and dirt and grass.  (hopefully he didn't eat any bugs.  YUCK!)  I worked in the flower beds which really needed my attention. 

So….today is another pretty day.  Not quite as cool but still not 100 degrees. 

We're going to go out and play and play some mCb_beautiful_dayore….you should too.  Don't let it get away.



I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Jules says:

    WOW! Colin is growing up so fast!!! He is ALL boy! Great pic, great reminder. We were out all day doing the same: yard work and playing!



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