Bee-Bee-Doe | Amarillo Texas Children’s Photographer

July 13, 2010

Bee-Bee-Doe, I see you! 

To the rest of the world…Peek-A-Boo.  

Do you ever find yourself *not* correcting your children on the correct way to say things because the way they *do* say things is gosh darn adorable?  We do it all the time.  Gillian has said "Bee-Bee-Doe" since she was wee tiny and I love it.  At our house we have "refrigifators"  "Indian and the Jones" (figure that one out – lol).  We had "Barbiteeto" for a long time until one too many viewings of Star Wars self-corrected it to R2D2.  I made lasagna last night and Gillian called it something like "bagongya."  Melt.

The way I figure is the world will teach them many things.  Some good. Some bad.  They will have their whole lives to learn and grow.  Do I have to be responsible for ALL their grammatical correctness?

Nope.  It ain't gonna happen.  In these parts, we'll say "Bee-Bee-Doe" forever.  


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Brie says:

    She is adorable Bethany! I don’t correct my girls either. I know Mali had several cute things she said that I just let her say knowing she would grow out of them. When we say “blow a kiss” Eleri blows through her nose. I think it is so cute because she just thought of it herself so I don’t correct it. My in laws did the other day, sort of broke my heart!

  2. Patrick Yew says:

    totally agree. Thought about getting an audio recorder for just this reason, remembering these awesome moments.

  3. Ailsa says:

    This is so cute. I still say Wellychopper instead of helicopter now and I am 37!
    Loving your beautiful photos as usual,



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