I’ve visited here several times over the last week and have stared at my keyboard and the screen unable to formulate words or thoughts. I have (drumroll)
blog block.
I have mucho amazing sessions to blog, thoughts to share, ideas I want to try, content to publish, yada yada, blah, blah blah.
My tired brain can’t process it all and as usually happens in my world, this space, this place, this page that is stored somewhere in the netherworld of the internet is neglected. When I’m not editing, or taxi-ing my kids around to soccerballetfootballjiujitsuchurchschool then I’m cleaning dried on yogurt hand prints off of my great-grandmother’s kitchen table or vacuuming up kitty litter that somehow spread itself across the floor. I’ve been really trying to do more regular chores on set days….i.e. Kitchen on Monday, Kids rooms on Tuesday, Bathrooms on Wednesday (Laundry on everyday – ACK!) but who am I kidding? I get sidetracked, my eyes glaze over and I find myself consoling myself with pretty pictures on Pinterest.
You know, the ones where everyone has a fabulous life, full of adventure in far off locales, with great Fall boots and they know how to tie their scarves in 25 different ways? The ones where they always have clean cabinets, mopped floors, fresh flowers, and inspiring quotes decorating their homes? AND fabulous things to eat and amazing crafts that their (clean) children can do while sitting in front of the bay window with the beautiful hand painted pumpkins outside?? All while braiding their hair or wearing it in a messy bun?
I digress.
My point to this post was that I didn’t have anything noteworthy to say. Or If I did, today it should just be kept to myself.
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
I couldn’t agree more. Enjoyed this post, funny girl 🙂
Come to my house-it will make u feel better……..
hahaha. do you see where my official website is?!
:b haha! I just wasted about 30 minutes of my day….