Good thing I know how to make these….such a little girly-girl who will be TWO on Sunday. I can't believe it. She is such a funny little one. Knows so much. Very observant. Hilarious. Loves to read the "bookoos" and is sitting in my lap right now – she said "hold you?" and of course I did. Prances around and chases her brothers…loves Harry the dog and drawing with chalk. Ask her her name? She thinks its Chuga…(remember?) Dramatic (aren't all my children this way?) Loves shoes and every morning when I get her up she stands up in bed, looks at the floor and says "uh oh, toys in the fwo….books in the fwo" (toys and books from previous night have been thrown out of the bed) So sweet and kisses the boys everynight and says "I lo lu" (I love you). Loves her belly button (Bebo) and wants to see yours too! (not so cool when you're in Wal-Mart and she insists on looking at your belly button) Doesn't like grilled cheese sandwiches but loves to eat the "manas" (bananas) – even though she used to call them "mookies" (monkeys) which we loved. Loves to watch Coos Coos (Blues Clues) and says hi to our fish Jolly Roger every morning. She loves to rummage through drawers, throw everything in the floor (or "fwo") and doesn't like it when she has to come in from outside….She is a great sleeper, has the most beautiful dark eyelashes and loves her lollipop jammies…always says "I petty" when wearing them. Oh how I love her. I am so blessed……
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
She is so precious! Your mom has her gift from us–can’t believe she’s about to be 2! I get Country Living–how exciting to see your bracelets in there! The girls feel so cool since they have one of them! Congrats! We are so thrilled for “Annie and Olive”!