Bunnies on a rock

January 11, 2008

I have a rock that was given to me as a child at a friend’s birthday party.  It has my name painted on it along with a tiny little white bunny.  It has sat on my desk for as long as I can remember. I love it.  I think one of the boys dunked it in some water a couple of years ago and this has made the bunny rub off a bit….maybe I should touch that little bunny up so he’s white and new for 2008. 

Have I ever told you of my love of rocks?  I have a jillion of them!  I seem to collect them everywhere I go.  I scan the ground whenever and wherever looking for the perfect little round stone.   I have little cairns all over my garden that I love to stack and restack and stack again.  When we were in Hawaii, it was *very* hard to resist the tumbled smoothness of the abundant lava rocks.  But, according to legend (or just locals wanting to reduce the environmental impact of tourists), it is bad luck to take lava rocks from Hawaii.

Have you noticed my new playlist?  I’ve seen (or rather, heard) several blogs with fun music playing.  I like the idea of new songs playing all the time and so have started to add a few here and there.  It’s more time-consuming than I first figured and so I’ll be working on it as time permits.

Anyway, back to my bunny rock.  What little childhood artifact do you still have?  (Sometimes I think I have more than my share! 🙂   

Here’s to the little bunny rocks everywhere.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Carmen says:

    I still have a Mork doll. LOL. He used to have a backpack with a string that you could pull to hear “Nanoo, nanoo” and “I am Mork from Ork,” but I can’t find that. I also have a glittery painted dough ornament shaped like a star. And probably other stuff… gotta go through some boxes! 🙂 Can you post a picture of your bunny??



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