
August 25, 2005


I couldn’t find Benjamin yesterday for a couple of minutes and finally found him in the dishwasher!  Of course, being a scrapbooker, I had to get a cute shot (or 20!! ha!)  He pulled this down by himself!  Silly boy.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Danielle says:

    LOOK at those jammies… too cute! And TOO funny, B! 🙂

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Ahhhh! What a cutie. Benjamin always surprises me with how much hair he has!!! Oh, love the rose in your banner! Beautiful!

  3. OMG that is too cute!!!!!! What a little stinker and what cute cute jammies! 😉

  4. Holly says:

    OMG, this has to be one of the cutest photos I’ve seen lately! Absolutely LOVE it! 😀



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