Clint – Senior 2010 | Amarillo Texas Senior Photographer

June 9, 2010

Sitting down at the computer today I realized I hadn't shown this session.  Clint came with his mom and sister a couple of months ago and we spent several hours together in fields and roads and abandoned railways.   He's an outdoors-y guy and the locations were chosen just for him.  His sister fussed over his sleeves and his mom looked on with a sweet smile, occasional tears and lots of laughs.  I worked mainly with my 24mm, 50 mm and my favorite 85mm lens…snapping away and trying not to get teary with mom.  

Senior's are some of my favorite shoots but they do make me emotional.  I can "see" them as little and think of my own little babes, waiting for me to come home.   I know that in too short a time, my own will be wanting their Senior shoot (will they hire me you think??) and I too will smile through tears and fuss over sleeves.  It just happens so fast!  I wish sometimes I could stop time.   Maybe that's why I do what I do?   I stop time (on paper anyway) to remember this moment, this look, this expression.  Maybe that's a blog-post for another day… 

Clint is joining the Army (perhaps he's already left) and so I know this is one more reason for the proud emotion his mom felt.  What a sacrifice and blessing to us and our country!  Keep him in your prayers as he travels, and learns, and grows. 


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Rene Brown says:

    Makes me sentimental about my own daughters, who grew up so fast. Wish someone like you could have captured them at that time.



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