Fall is in the Air – Free Chalkboard Printable

September 9, 2015

Fall is in the Air

Download this Free Printable Here


Can’t you feel it?  Today is foggy and cloudy.  The kitten is curled up on one of our gray chairs, purring.  The high school Homecoming parade is tonight and my oldest wore his football jersey to school today.  As much as I lament the end of summer, Fall always grabs hold and gets me excited for cozy days, crisp weather, and the delights of the season.

To celebrate, I have a present for you!  I created the above image as a gift and it is free to download here.  I’ve never created a downloadable before and have a lot to learn about different methods of delivery.  I always like to download pretty scripts and printables and am excited to have one of my own to offer.  This is a simple .jpg image and I hope you like it!

Happy Fall! (and yes, I know it’s not *technically, officially, actually* Fall…but it feels like it so it must be so…)



P.S. Please, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter.  Art, news, photography, and maybe soon a coupon code! (wink, wink)

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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