Fashion Friday | What to Wear | Amarillo Texas Photographer

September 24, 2010

And today. 

I’ve been thinking all week about today’s blog post.  I checked out the newest clothing, found some super cute boots and fun skirts.  Wondered if I should make my template for a family or for a couple.  What are the latest colors and hottest trends?  What is classic and would photograph well?  Should I add scarves and hats?  What about some cute earrings and bracelets?

Then I had a thought.

What never goes out of style, always looks good and makes your photos shine?

What always coordinates, matches and makes your photos pop?  What glows and shines and transforms any image?

What emboldens, grows confidence and when present, can change a room?

Can you guess?

As only Audrey can put it:

    “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;

    For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; 

    And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

I don’t think I could say it better.

No matter the colors…red, green or bright fluorescent orange.  No matter the patterns and textures.  No matter the location, the lighting and the effects.  

You are the difference.

Not everyone needs to smile and look cheesy.  In fact, please don’t.  I love that frank stare.  The open honest face.  The eyes.  

It’s often much harder to get that emotion, that sense of self.  The trust and the honesty that comes with a straight face.  It’s hard.  The no smiling thing.  It’s transparent and vulnerable.  It’s real.

But once you have that?  The smiles come easy.  They’re natural.  They’re not forced.  They’re not “cheese!” 


Next time you’re worried about what to wear, how it coordinates, what the latest trends are.  What the newest thing is. (yes, both of those sentences ended in a preposition.  Don’t sue grammar police).


It doesn’t matter.  

The only thing that matters is you.

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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