Friday Favorites vol. 1

June 10, 2005

Okay – random blog post for the day because I really don't have anything interesting or profound to share today!  (unlike every other day when I'm *very* profound and *interesting!* ha!)

My favorite movie moment is in the movie Almost Famous.  I love the scene when the band and all the "band-aids" are on the tour bus together and they bust out and sing Tiny Dancer by Elton John.  It starts out with one singer at first, then another and another.  They just sing and sing and it's "good times are here again."  It just makes me happy thinking about it…

What are your favorite movie moments?

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Jules says:

    I love this movie too. My favorite right now is Garden State. I pop it in when I’m scrapping. I love the scene when Andrew turns back to ark guy and says, “Good luck exploring the abyss.” and the guy says back, “You too.” and Andrew does a totally unique move that no one else has ever done, and you know that he is exploring the abyss. Right then.

  2. Jessica says:

    I have MANY favorite movie moments, but here are a few:
    1) The scene in “Sense and Sensibility” where Edward (Hugh Grant) tells Elinor (Emma Thompson) he’s not married, and she starts sobbing hysterically
    2) The opening of every Star Wars movie (where the music starts and the words scroll over the starry sky)- I can’t explain but it always makes me feel like crying!
    3) This one is also cheesy: the scene in “That Thing You Do!” where Liv Tyler’s character hears the band’s song on the radio while listening to her headphones and runs screaming down the street to tell them they have a hit
    4) George & Lucy’s first kiss in “A Room With a View”
    5) Favorite movie quote: “I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen” – John Cusack in “Say Anything”
    I could go on…but I think I’ll go watch a movie instead. Since Lucy is awake, it will most likely be one starring Pooh or Big Bird.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I like the scene in Notting Hill where the friend had to close his restaurant and they are all sitting around eating dinner together there and everyone ends up drunk. (but that’s not the part I like) You can just see that THIS is a FAMILY. They are 100% family even though not all related by blood or marriage. Not “just friends” Silly, huh?
    And I always cry in 1776 when Abigail sends John salt peter and he runs out and tries to buy every pin in Philly. Even sillier, huh?



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