From the cold and blustery Southwest…

November 30, 2006

We awoke to a winter wonderland.  Colin had a snow day (his FIRST!) and was thrilled although a bit impatient – he wanted to go play in the snow right now.  Of course, this morning the windchills were in the negatives and so we had to wait until the sun came out.  He’s been in and out three times and is just so happy about it!

Benjamin had his first real snow experience.  It didn’t snow at all last year (there was a drought) and so this year was his!  I stuffed him into a ton of clothes and just giggled at his "puffy" look…He could barely walk!

He liked knocking the snow off the trees and lying down over and over and over….Harry just loved us being out there and is feeling particularly frisky.





I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    hee hee! Reminds me of the little brother in A Christmas Story who couldn’t put his arms down. 🙂 So cute!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    This is SO not fair. We haven’t had a good sticking snow here yet. It would really help me get in the holiday mood! LOL about Leah’s comment about a Christmas story. I can see that! E

  3. Elizabeth says:

    This is SO not fair. We haven’t had a good sticking snow here yet. It would really help me get in the holiday mood! LOL about Leah’s comment about a Christmas story. I can see that! E



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