We had a wonderful time this past weekend visiting R’s parents and seeing their beautiful patch of sunflowers. It was a gorgeous morning – bright blue skies and happy, smiling sunflowers. A dream.
I had fun playing with my camera while the boys and everyone had fun playing in the dirt and with all the bugs. Lots of bees, spiders, and GIGANTIC grasshoppers. We also had to be careful of rattlesnakes…they like to eat the furry field inhabitants who are out enjoying all the yummy seeds and we didn’t want to step on any of them!
I love this picture of Colin spreading his arms out as if to say "isn’t this the greatest thing in the whole world? Look at me!!!" He and Benjamin were cute in the farm gear. Jeans and western shirts and hats. Adorable. Annie wasn’t as excited about it – a bit perplexed as to why it was so bright and shiny everywhere….and a bit warm at times.
I was really determined to get pictures of all three of them though but should have done their "photo shoot" first thing. By the time we got around to it (which was after driving an hour to get to the farm, and then driving around AT the farm and getting out and then letting the boys ride the four-wheeler with Russell) it was a bit too bright and the sun was a bit harsh. Benjamin didn’t want to take off his four-wheeler helmet and everyone was a little grumpy. I was determined to at least TRY though and so made them sit on the bumper of the four-wheeler and this is how it went
…."take off your helmet. Colin hold Gillian but DO NOT DROP HER. Hold her tight around her belly…No don’t cover up her face she doesn’t like that. Benjamin SIT down. Please look cheerful. Russell will you duck down so I can’t see you? Benjamin stop pouting and look at Mommy! I’m so silly!! Can you laugh? Koochie-coochie coo!!! Annie! Annie? Annie-boo!! Look at me. Colin don’t cover up her face. Look at my finger…it’s wiggling – smile!!!
Colin LOOK at the camera not at the grasshopper. Benjamin please stop crying, honey. We’ll put the helmet back on in just a second. Russell – duck back down! Now everyone…(Annie! Annie! Annie! Gillian!!) on the count of three!! Smile and look happy!!"
And on and on and on like that. I’m sure everyone can totally relate to this….but the stories are fun and so are the pictures. I like this picture- Annie is like "what are you doing to me?"
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
B, the sunflowers are totally stunning. Nice shooting! The last couple shots made me literally LOL, hee hee! Solid effort…solid effort. 🙂
You have a great eye! A beautiful day, a beautiful family, what more can you ask for?
good lord what lens did you use on these? they are amazing B! i havent’ checked your blog in so long.. looks like you are up to some really cool things! LOVE the mushrooms!
lol! i’m posting from my mom’s computer in memphis.. and her ID came up.. lol! you’re probably wondering.. hee-hee.. that was me in the post above. 😉
ok duh, it did it again.. lol!