A problem | Amarillo Texas Photographer

July 8, 2011


I feel like I’ve been away for a month.  We’ve done the three “Big D’s” all in June:




I am only now starting to dig out of laundry, Harry (very apropos this month) has decided to shed 200 pounds of hair, and….we have uninvited mouse friend.

So….on that last note, please meet our new friend Mickey. (wonder where we got that name idea?)

Now of course, I really don’t want Mickey to actually kill a mouse.  I just want him to gently remind any micies that they aren’t welcome.  And then to gently encourage them to move.  Besides, how fair would that be for a mouse to get caught by a cat named Mickey?  It’s just wrong.

Of course we haven’t actually seen a mouse.  I just know it’s there cavorting somewhere and eating who-knows-what.  We’ve tried catching it with cheese, bread, chocolate, peanut butter and Apple Jacks cereal crumbs.  We are convinced this mouse may have descended from the great Rats of NIMH. I do have some pretty impressive rose bushes.  And please don’t say anything about mice being cute.  Because although I personally think they are kind-of-cute, I still don’t share space with critters with hairless tails.

And that’s that.




I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heidi says:

    What a cute new friend.



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