On the Verge – Texas Pastel Painter

July 13, 2015


On the Verge – 8×10 on Uart

Today’s happy painting, newly listed on the daily paintworks site! This particular painting is on Uart 240 grit…for those that aren’t familiar the number represents the “grit” of the pastel – just like sandpaper at your local hardware store. The lower the number, the rougher the grit or “tooth” of the paper. The “toothier” the paper, the more layers you are able to layer on. I like the extra tooth of this certain paper although if you are keen on “blending” your pastels, take care to protect your fingertips. It’s very easy to rub off layers of skin, thus creating sore, hurting fingertips. I don’t blend a lot of my pastels but do find I like the under layers of clouds and sometimes my underpainting to be pretty soft – allowing the crisp detail edges of elements to really “pop.”

My second newsletter is sending this week! Don’t miss it if you’d like to see “behind-the-scenes” of my very first pastel, painted on a brown paper grocery bag in 2009. I only painted for a few months before I “quit” for 5 years…to read the story in my email sign up over there ——->



I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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