July 26, 2006

I was looking at the pics on my computer last night and started looking at my old sb pages…(I know – I could look at the ACTUAL pages that are sitting about 8 feet away from me in their little albums, but…) I really noticed something.  Even as far back as 2002 and those much simpler and "event" type layouts, I did have a style.  That’s something we sbers are always talking about – "What’s my style?"  "I don’t have a style" and "I love her style!"    It’s interesting to go back and really look at the elements of a page and say – "Hey!  I remember doing that"  and thinking that technique was so innovative and then all of a sudden, serendipity squares and shaker boxes are SO over.  Anyway, regardless of "trend" and "product" – style really does emerge.  I noticed that I loved to layer from early on.  I also rarely used big embellishments but loved to use quotes to back up my journaling (which was always typed on the computer – something that has really changed.)  I also liked using smaller pictures AS my embellishments – a style element I can completely credit to my friend Leah Blanco Williams (who suggested when I was saying "this picture on the layout?  Or this picture?  I like both" and she wisely said "reduce one and use them both."  – it was an epiphany people!! )

So anyway, without further ado – some old pages…..:)  (no snickering allowed.)


Look at my exacto work! 😉 This layout was made in April 2002.  I don’t have any of my earliest (and scariest!) pages scanned in….


I remember being so proud of the way I cut the grass and flowers to look like the purple patterned paper I used….


See the quote?  See the layering? 


And THIS…this is the very layout Leah and I were talking about.  I loved the profile pic of Colin with his chubby cheeks and loved his little mohawk do.  I felt so innovative for sewing on this page and making the giraffe! AND I used 2peas font "toosmall" for the journaling snips.

What do your old layouts say about you?  Look at them today!


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Okay, I hate you…your old layouts look better than my new ones, LMBO!! 😉 Seriously, it’s pretty incredible how much of the Bethany I know and love can be seen in these early pages — so familiar, so innovative, and so “WOW” even back then…even for now! You’re not only one of my all-time favorite artists, you’re also one of the most stylish people I know, B. Look at you going and proving it with these early layouts, hee hee. What a cool trip down memory lane. Thanks for taking us with you!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    These are OLD layouts? This just is not fair! It’s like you have no learning curve! LOL! I’m with Leah. You’re one of my favorites! -E



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