I’m a Finalist!!

August 26, 2008

DSC_00372535 phm In Etsy's Handmade Kids Contest !  I entered my Sophie Pillow into the Home Decor category and am so super-dee-duper excited to be a finalist!  I can win one of two ways – to be chosen by a panel of judges OR by popular vote from fellow Etsians (both sellers and buyers) So…….(wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Vote HERE!  You do have to be an Etsy member to vote, but sign up is so easy (and who doesn't want to shop for unique, handmade items for Christmas anyway?  No shopping lines!)  You also are only able to vote once in each category. 

Voting is open until September 8!! 😉 🙂

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Heidi says:

    I just vote for your beautiful pillow,i hope you win.

  2. Melissa says:

    Yay! Congratulations! I’m heading over to vote right now 🙂

  3. Congrats! I made it in the Accessories and Toys categories 🙂 Best of luck!!



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