is it that time already??

November 27, 2007

Dsc_00551263 I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas!  Time flies!  I had my birthday this past weekend and have been so busy filling orders and packaging and making pet rocks with the boys and doctor’s checkups and volunteering at the school and cooking and decorating and the list goes on.  I have a bunch of new things in both my shops…over at Annie and Olive and at my "grown-up" shop at Creative Sparks.  Dsc_00181286 My new favorites are the Christmas hearts and the fabric covered bead bracelets.  Yum!

It’s like a madhouse around here.  I mailed so many packages yesterday I had to stop and take pictures!  It’s fun but a bit stressful.  I don’t want to forget anything or overlook someone.  I’m not complaining though – it’s wonderful to make something other people enjoy. 

I know this is a huge drive-by post and I have lots of Thanksgiving pictures to post.  But for now, Benjamin’s needing me.  We’re playing trains! 

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes, B!
    Totally diggin’ the new Annie and Olive goodies. So happy you’re good-busy!



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