Just for me

June 1, 2011

We’re on the third official day of summer.  Kids are signed up for the library’s summer reading club, we’ve gotten our swimsuits out, we’re planning vacations and looking forward to tomorrows full of who-knows-what.  The wind is blowing (of course) and the pumpkin seeds are sprouting in the yard.  Harry is hot outside with his heavy coat and the birds wake me up instead of an alarm.  That is now.

However, I realized I only took a handful of photos in the past few months just for me.  I had so many events and parties and graduations, business work, website work, blog work, proofing work, etc.,  that I rarely picked up my camera for those behind-the-scenes/daily photos that I love.  The ones that may not be perfectly exposed, or meaningful to anyone else, but the ones that tell a story to my heart and plead to keep it there.

This one is from back in April taken in the fresh of the morning right before my sweet girls’ 4th (!!!!!) birthday party.  Ball glass jar, daisies, window.

Perfection to me.


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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