Matthew and Amanda | Amarillo Engagement Photography

May 27, 2011


That’s really all I have to say about them.

Both of them completely charming, photogenic beyond belief, and unabashedly in love.  This session took place on Matthew’s parent’s farm on a dry and dusty evening.  Sun setting behind us.  Matthew watered the barely there trees while Amanda’s heels kept sticking in the dirt.  We talked about how they met, how they fell together,  their plans for seven children in the future (haha!  J/K), how they looked like a stock photo couple in do-it-youself frames sold at Michael’s.

Afterwards long after the sun had set, we sat in the car and just talked.  And I loved it.  Love it when clients are friends, when they let me in to their world….It makes me love what I do even more, if that’s possible.

I’ve put a few images from their session below and even more in their own personalized site!  Enjoy!


To see more of their session and gallery, please CLICK HERE!


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Misty says:


  2. Jerry Yarbrough says:

    The only thing to say is “BEAUTIFUL”

  3. Barbara Goodgion says:

    The pictures are Awesome…Both very Photogentic…Love them, love you both!



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