Lil’ Sis | Amarillo Baby Photographer

April 25, 2011

Remember this sweet lil’ thang from a few short months ago?  So round and soft and pudgy and perfect?  Well, I’m pleased to report she is still just so…only more babbly and expressive and wonderful!

This sweet lil’ miss is a member of my Baby Steps Club and she was due for her six months photographs! How fun for me!!


One of the most fun parts of this age is their ability to be smiley and absolutely adorable and their lack of ability to scoot away from me.  haha.  Six months old is putty in my hands….*snicker*  Not to mention just about anything is hilarious to them.  Well, Miss S is very easily amused.  Isn’t she cute?


She made the cutest little expressions.  Here I think Daddy went outside the window we were perched in from of – “why is Daddy outside?” I think her eyes are pretty amazingly blue.  I love them.


We borrowed Mommy’s pearls for these shots.  She is a little princess indeed!


Daddy wasn’t in the first set of photos we did for her and wanted to be in a few.  Aren’t they cute?  And doesn’t he look proud?  Doesn’t she look comfy?


I think my favorite from the set.  Can’t wait to get her in front of my camera again!!!



I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Ronnie Blair says:

    You did an amazing job with an amazing subject Bethany. I always see so much peace and happines in these sweet faces and the proud parents are great to. Fantastic job.

  2. Syd says:

    I love these pictures. And can you believe we’ll be scheduling her one year session soon!!!

  3. Linda Purdy says:

    Sweet, sweet baby. She is growing so fast.

  4. Guy Morales says:

    Thats my little sister!



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