My favorite things from yesterday….

May 7, 2006

  • UGH.  I forgot to take pictures at my NSD gig at DML2 yesterday.  Had a blast, nonetheless….a special shout out to Colleen for coming to see me despite skipping studying for her Chemistry exam on Monday!  *waving* and *smooches* to Colleen!!
  • Met lots of wonderful women, made a cute tag with the ever-yummy Sunshine set from Quickutz!  The ladies had fun and I had fun – Success!!
  • Russell and I choosing to accept the Mission.  (Yes, I am dorky) Mission Impossible 3 was amazing!  SO GOOD and I was so excited to see it….literally picked off all my fingernails from tension and edge-of-my-seat the entire time!  I love action/spy/thriller movies like that and this one was very, very good!  So good that we went to Best Buy to buy the other two because we only had the VHS to the first film and didn’t have the second one at all.
  • Laughing afterwards at On the Border after sipping my cold, cold drink and having the worst cold headaches ever.  Compared it to a bomb in our brains…..(have to see M.I.3 to understand how this was funny)
  • Feeling cute in my new black top and yummy turquoise beads.

Hope you had some favorite things too….

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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