May 5, 2006

Cinco de Mayo!!!  We’re having a little get-together tonight in celebration of Cinco de Mayo – a big holiday here in Amarillo, TX.  We’re making "Tex-Mex" enchiladas and although enchiladas like this might never be eaten in Mexico – it’s enough for me!  🙂  Russell cooked them and yummmmmmmy!

Also – I always get a little nostalgic on this day because it’s my dear friend Sarah’s birthday.  I haven’t seen or heard from Sarah since I went to get my makeup done at Dillard’s (for my free "Bride’s Makeover") in 2000.  No reason even.  No fight.  No big "to-do."  Just drifting apart.  Me getting married and then moving 2000 miles away and losing touch and having NO IDEA what happened to her.  I think of her often and so…Miss (Mrs. by now?) Sarah Blair – if you ever happen upon me……or this blog or even CraftTVWeekly and think "Hey!! That’s Bethany!!" – then will you call me or email?  Happy Birthday!!

So….now to run a few errands, clean up before big Cinco de Mayo bash and finish projects for my Make ‘n Take at tomorrow’s NSD (National Scrapbooking Day) at my LSS DML2 (didja get all that? he, he)


I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Adrienne says:

    Hope you have a great day!!!!



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