My Number One.

January 17, 2006

Well yesterday when I posted my "Tag" list….guess what?

Russell got home he and Colin went to the grocery store and came home and *surprised* me by making the most fabulous, delicious enchiladas I have EVER had.  Seriously….the best.  He is such a good cook! (And Colin helped a lot too!)

Just makes me feel like a warm fuzzy…


Here we are in Kona, HI – this was a fun night out with friends.  I especially remember the mongoose that ran into the bushes behind us and the torches that were burning the palm fronds…things are so damp there that they weren’t catching fire!  If that happened here in TX – our trees would go up in a puff of smoke with nothing but ashes left…ha!


**edited to say that "Yes- I am wearing the same shirt in this picture as I am in my ‘ME’ picture over there on the left   <——————— – what can I say?  I love that shirt!!!" 😉

I'm Bethany

I believe in  the act of creativity  in small everyday moments  to make life more beautiful and meaningful..

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  1. Leah says:

    Surprise mexican food cooked by your sweetie?! That’s the best! 🙂 Supercute picture, B. So odd (but not really) about the fronds not catching fire. Magic fronds!!



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