We all piled out into the yard this past weekend for some much needed garden and yard clean-up. I couldn’t resist snapping pictures of my now dormant garden and found this little flower still boldly "pinking" when all others have quietly settled into their long winter’s nap. The kids were cute and fun and excited to rake leaves and deadhead and trim all the perennials.
Gillian was adorable in this borrowed rainbow sweater…anyone remember Rainbow Brite?
We piled them onto our blanket and attempted a spontaneous photo shoot. Much laughing ensued. We snapped our own pictures…we snapped some more. We enjoyed the beautiful golden leaves of our huge honey-locusts…the little leaves were drifting down upon us like snow. The boys played and played…Harry was in heaven.
I'm Bethany
I believe in the act of creativity in small everyday moments to make life more beautiful and meaningful..
Ohhh! LOL! Can your family *BE* any cuter?! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Forget Rainbow Brite… I want my very own adorable Annie doll!
Such lovely photos Bethany! You guys look like you had a great time. 🙂 The photo of your three babies is the best. I hope you get that framed and displayed someplace.
i have the cutest cousin’s ever! benben, oops! i mean Benjamin!! looks so ahhdorable in the last picture! tell everybody hi for me!